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My Money Story


Growing up, we didn't talk alot about money because we didn't have it! I made a ton of mistakes in the money department and I'm here to tell you, IT CAN ALL BE FIXED! Whether you felt like you are drowning in debt or just an over spender, I am here to help you eliminate the things that are keeping you in financial bondage. After getting debt free in 2019, I started to understand the power of financial literacy. Let's face it, no matter how much money you make, we have all experienced financial struggles in our lives. I've realized the most empowering feeling is having the knowledge to respond to challenges rather than react or what I used to do, freak out! I love helping people grow and feel powerful in the area of finances.


Money can be confusing and intimidating but it doesn't have to be! That's why we built a community to educate individuals & groups from all walks of life in financial literacy around 5 dimensions:

  • Earning

  • Saving

  • Investing

  • Giving

  • Spending


Our brand mission is to help people experience a life that allows them to do what they want with their time and money.

To learn more about how I got here, click below for some extra content:

About : About


About : Video
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What we stand for

  • Money awareness

  • Personal & debt freedom

  • Generational wealth

  • Service

  • Prosperity

  • God & Spirituality

  • Empowerment

About : Text
About : Blog2
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